Why is My Dog Vomiting White Foam? Causes and Solutions

Why is My Dog Vomiting White Foam? Causes and Solutions

Are you scared and confused at the same time seeing your dog throwing up white foam?  As a concerned pet parent, vomiting white foam can be an alarming experience for you and this can occur due to various reasons, known or unknown.

In this blog, we have compiled all the possible causes of white foam vomiting and the best solutions to keep your canine safe from any potential underlying diseases. Read on to learn more!

Causes of White Foam Vomiting

White foamy vomit is a reaction of stomach irritation caused due to the mixture of saliva and stomach acids and there can be multiple reasons why your dog is doing this. While occasional vomiting is not a serious problem, if your dog is consistently throwing up white foam it is a sign of an underlying problem which needs medical attention. Here are some of the most common causes of this condition:


Indigestion could be one of the most common causes of vomiting white foam. When your canine eats something not meant for them, eats too fast or eats immediately after exercise, it can lead to indigestion, resulting in your dog throwing up white foam. 

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition when your dog’s stomach gets upset because of the excess production of bile and stomach acid. When this stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, it makes your dog throw white foam.

Exposure to Toxins

White foam vomiting can also occur when your dog eats toxic materials like cleaning products, medications, houseplants, etc. These can prove to be poisonous for your four-legged companions and prompt them to vomit white foam.

Gastrointestinal Obstruction

If your dog accidentally swallows toys, bones or any other similar object, it can lead to intestinal blockage. Throwing up white foam is an indication that your furry friend is trying to get rid of these objects.


Pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs in the pancreas by eating sugary, fatty and spicy human food, making your dog throw up white foam. 


Bloating occurs when your dog’s stomach is filled with gas or fluids, leading to white foam vomiting. The symptoms of bloating also include an extended belly and pain while defecating. If you notice the symptoms, speak to your vet.

Kennel Cough

Kennel cough or other respiratory diseases can result in white foam vomiting. Many pet parents confuse cough with white foam when dogs vomit mucus while coughing. Be vigilant when your dog vomits and consult the vet in case of any confusion.

Infections or Diseases

Bacterial infections and kidney or liver diseases affect your dog’s ability to flush out toxins making them throw frothy liquids.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

Below are a few signs that you should look out for if your dog is throwing up white foam regularly and speak to the vet to provide immediate treatment to your canine companion.

  • Frequent or consistent vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Weakness
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Blood in the vomit

Ways to Treat & Prevent White Foam Vomiting

Let’s have a look at some of the simple ways through which you can treat and prevent your dog’s white foam vomiting:

  1. Healthy Diet: Feeding a healthy diet filled with all the nutrients helps keep your dog healthy, builds immunity and prevents various infections and diseases that lead to white foam vomiting.
  • Prevent Toxin Exposure: Keeping an eye on your pet and preventing them from ingesting any foreign objects plays a vital role in keeping them away from various infections and throwing up white foam vomiting.
  • Set Meal Timings: Delayed meals can lead to upset stomach, causing various digestive issues and vomiting. Setting fixed meal timings and feeding small portions before sleeping and after waking up keep gastric issues at bay and keep your dog healthy.
  • Physical Examinations: Various physical examinations like blood or urine tests, endoscopy of the intestine and X-ray of the digestive tract under vet supervision may help detect the problem precisely.
  • Antibiotics: Certain antibiotics and antacids may help relieve the condition. Make sure you speak to your vet and only give prescribed treatments to your dog.
  • Regular Vet Visits: Taking your dog for regular vet checkups may help in early detection of the problem, if any and treat the condition before it advances.

Wrapping Up

Early diagnosis leads to early treatment of health conditions and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.  So, if you notice your dog vomiting white foam and get puzzled about what needs to be done, firstly just stay calm. We have mentioned all the necessary information to make you aware as to why your dog is throwing white foam and what you can do next. Always consult the vet for better recommendations.


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